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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Salvaged Table Base and the beginning of a new project

It's still cold here in sunny California and my garage is a mess... nevertheless I think I am going to start a new project. I have several irons in the fire right now and the last thing I need is another one but "necessity is the mother of invention" or in this case at least the mother of a table.
I happen to have this table base that I am not using and was considering burning it on a non-spare-the-air-day but because it has a lot of nasty smoke generating paint and I think it's neat I'm going to turn it into a table.

This thing is about 26" tall and it has some nice features. For one thing it sits flat (something to look for in four legged standing things) and it's hollow. I like the hollow part because I think I would like to have a cantilevered top that can be extended on rails. Being hollow will allow me to add some heavy ballast weight to the inside and help prevent messy tip-overs. A cantilevered table would be a good addition to my unorthodox furniture collection because I don't have a dining room table (dining room is a converted office) and I have a hard time finding flat surfaces to eat on. Usually sitting on the couch with a pizza or holding plates of food in my lap isn't the best thing especially when I have guests.
Anyway I thought that I would post a picture of it before I start stripping the paint off and drilling holes into it. As it undergoes it's metamorphosis from salvaged woodwork into high tech industrial practical furniture I'll post more pictures and maybe even throw in a few of my garage once I get it cleaned up.

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